Sunday, September 21, 2008

ain't it just beautiful?

I get terrified by how quickly things are passing. I'm twenty-one, in 3 days it will be 3 years since my parents dropped me off in Egham. Now what?

This summer was amazing, really lovely. I've been living with the boy in our little bungalow since February and - save a couple of vicious disputes regarding the merits of Sex and the City versus endless endless sports channels - that's been lovely too.

I just like how things change. I like that I've become an Arsenal fan and more of a heavyweight drinker than I ever could have imagined. I like that I had some fun with substances and I like even more that I don't like that anymore. I like that the house is tidy these days, that we actually clean and things. I like that UKTV Gold are showing Jonathan Creek. I like how life is going.

- Also that you can chart our financial fortunes, like so many people's, by the supermarkets we've been shopping at. Tesco turned briefly to Waitrose, which turned back to Tesco, then Aldi, Lidl, a brief peak back to Sainsburys until this weeks Iceland extravaganza brought frozen comfort. We're so disloyal though, as soon as pay day comes Iceland can shove it. -

And this, thing. This really odd sensation in the gut that we are all twenty-somethings now. We're relating more to early Friends than Skins, suddenly we know what Council Tax is (and why it's a Bad Thing) and, my God, the weddings. People are getting married like it's going out of style and I love it (how do you hate being bridesmaid for the friend you've known since infant school?), don't get me wrong, but again the fear.

I'm a sucker for the whole first dance thing. I cry, without fail, the inner girl-cliche comes racing out and I'm not ashamed. But there's a difference between imagining your own wedding and actually realising it. After an embarrassing incident in York (in which a friend and I actually jumped away from the bouquet, causing it to hit the floor with an unceremonious thwup) I'm trying to stay realistic about things - I don't want to get married, I just really, really fancy a wedding.

And elsewhere? I'm returning to Brighton in a week, after a year's absence enforced by the tight-ass student loan company who - I'm sorry - should be doing a fucking tango for the amount of interest they'll be getting off me in the next few decades. My brother's starting his photography degree, my pet snail's been looking awfully sluggish recently and I'm still not over how absolutely incredible Rage Against the Machine and Manic Street Preachers were at Reading this year.

We don't talk about love
We only wanna get drunk
And we are not allowed to spend
'Cause we are told that this is the end
A design for life
A design for life
a design for life

All in all.


At 9:45 am , Blogger Phil said...

Its been a while Fi! Sorry I've been rubbish at keeping in touch. I think a catch up is in order but when is a problem as I'm so busy with final year at the minute. I agree about people getting married - I suppose I fit into that category :P - there are so many weddings happening! Its good to hear you're happy.

See you soon (hopefully).

Phil x


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