ache all over / it's all good
Thursday morning was the weirdest morning, which then evolved into the weirdest afternoon, night and morning that I think I've had at uni. Deary me, I thought, can things get any weirder?
Apparently, yes.
So, Friday morning I wake up and wonder whether last night happened, with meeting the Christians and all. I look at my phone and find three new numbers in my phone book. I conclude that either I did meet some Christians, or I pulled bigtime.
I leave the flat at 2:50pm, not to return for 24 hours. I pack a bag and head off to Space, Body, Design, wherein I do several things with my spine that seem to please my lecturer but end up hurting my back quite a bit. He said at the beginning of the term that, if nothing else, by the end of the course we would all be more aware of our spines and our breathing. Aware of them? We're obsessed by them. I can't move now without knowing exactly which vertebrae I'm moving, how open my breathing column is, with what quality my limbs are moving through the space. It's trippy.
Jo, Est and I make a run for the station and try to get to Waterloo in time to see Bronte at the Lyric Hammersmith. We're twenty minutes late due to a fatality at Surbiton. This is one thing about the trains that I will never get used to. Someone hurls themselves onto the tracks and we stamp our feet for our mild inconvenience.
At the theatre, we muse on how most of the upper circle is filled with students from the RH Drama Department. Typical of us, they tell us to see a play - we book tickets for the second to last night of the run and all show up late. Love it.
After the play, which is good, but annoying, because that kind of naturalism always annoys me, Jo heads back to Richmond with some Holloway Honey and Est and I attempt to find Camden. Actually, finding Camden's not the problem, it's finding our way round Camden without getting lost or mugged. One out of two ain't bad, I guess. We turned the wrong way out of the station and walked all the way to Chalk Farm before we realised we weren't on Camden High Street anymore. Back the way we came, we trekked between three underground stations and one building site before we found the Purple Turtle.
Got changed in the toilets, left my bag behind a curtain, realised I was more worried about my Space, Body, Design notes going missing than my wallet. Wore my 'Jesus has a chocolate heart' t-shirt and wwjd band, got quite some attention.
"What does the J stand for?"
"Jesus!" *making cross shape* "You know, Jesus Christ!"
"Oh right... What would Jesus do?"
*leering* "Something sexy I'll bet..."
"..." *speechless*
Friday night was spent in Joe's dad's ridiculously posh flat on Old Street, minimalist decor, floor to ceiling windows and remote control EVERYTHING. Woke up on Saturday morning in an odd sandwich of Ro and Frankie. Had no idea where I was or why I could see the London Eye from my bedroom window.
And that was our night out in London, or as I like to call it - Egham to Egham via: Richmond, Hammersmith, Leicester Square, Chalk Farm, Mornington Crescent, Camden Town, Old Street, Waterloo and Burger King (twice). How we managed to trek that far without finding a Subway Sandwich is beyond me.
Saturday was l-o-v-e-l-y. Apart from realising I actually have no money at all, it was just perfect. Went for ice-cream at the pub, went babysitting, learnt to change gear while someone else is driving. Ate chicken noodles and went to see the view from the back of the Geology department. Went to sleep feeling so happy.
But of course, nothing's perfect. My dreams play tricks on me, I wake up feeling something completely different.
I went to a new church today, with one of the guys I met on Thursday. It's lovely, small, only planted a year ago, they meet in someone's living room. I made some decisions. They talked about how they need people's help in a big way, with it being such a new church, there's a lot of work to do. I figure I ended up at the Journey church for a reason, I feel at home there for a reason. I decided a while back, with Nikki's prompting, that I need to take more of a part in church life, to get out of my head and actually serve for once. So, I'm going to. I don't know how, but I will.
The weird thing about the Journey is that I got there and everyone knew me. Firstly, signing up to Fusion at Soul Survivor meant that my details were sent to Phil, one of the leaders, back in September. Secondly, signing up to the Christian Union in October meant that my details were sent to a girl called Ruth, who I've been emailing since then. Thirdly, I'd met a few of the students from the Journey on Thursday. What I hadn't bargained for was that they would put two and two together and start praying for me when I didn't show up to either the CU or the Fusion cells. I didn't realise that me bumping into the guys at the pub and then showing up today was the equivalent of the white rabbit finally hauling its ass out of the hat. Nice feeling though, might try that one more often.
I've loved the last few days. I'm completely shattered, and in a lot of pain from the combination of my Friday evening lecture and tramping all over London, but it's been great. Tomorrow things will get normal again, which is fine, because it's a better kind of normal these days. The times they are a changing. Yeah...
alrite marra!
so glad u've been having fun recently, i have too. well that said, the last few days were fucking balachadha, it's all going vaguely wrong for me atm but i'm hanging on like a mofo. sorry i woke u up this morning, hope to see u a bit later. do giv me a call i had a really scary dream involving u! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx lots of love xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx love u to pluto & back xxx:D
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