angelic fruitcake
Salva mea.
Tuesday, November 30, 2004
Icky things (a longer post than it should have been)
I should probably be organised and explain why I'm doing this blog, who I am and all that fun stuff, but there are more sticky matters at hand.
Here is a list of icky things that I have experienced this morning. (It's 10:30, I'm sure there's more to come).
1) My ankle. On Saturday I made the dastardly decision to get the bus to work instead of a lift. Yeah, I thought, talk about being independent, I'm gonna get me some use out of this bus pass!
So away I went. And missed the bus.
My bus stop kind of exists in a parallel universe. No one else goes there. Most people don't even know it's there because, let's face it, it's just a pole by the side of a busy main road. More to the point, most bus drivers don't know it's there either. Standing on a freezing cold morning watching the bus hurtle past you gets old pretty quickly, let me tell you.
Long story short, I thought that if the bus, on this particular morning, decided to drive past me, I would be horribly late for work. So, says I, I'll just trot down to the next stop on the route, how far can it be? Very far. Much further than it looked, actually. By the time I got there my evil work shoes were biting my ankles and I had the beginnings of a super blister on my ankle.
One 9-hour shift later, it was about the size of a grape and growing.
Sunday, I spent the day walking around London in shoes too small for me. Nuff said.
Monday, my shoes were wet from London so I had to wear the old trainers that have no padding on the back. Ouch. Blister pops like firework, stuff gets even ickier.
Today. I wear wellies to college. Now everytime I walk downstairs, or walk at all, or even move the wellies rub on my poor ankle. I'm actually limping, one be-wellingtoned foot is hitting the floor with a much louder whup than the other. I look like a bow-legged penguin.
2) On the bus, I noticed that there's a strange cloudy patch on the window next to each seat. I spent about 5 minutes staring at the one next to me until i noticed the man in front of me, hair dripping with gel, leaning his head against the window.
Eww. Eww. Eww. Welcome to Yateley, where territory is marked by sticky gel patches on windows.
3) Muddy puddles. Actually, this wasn't such an icky thing. The good thing about wellies, however painful, is that I am completely justified (just by wearing them!) in jumping in every single muddy puddle I see. It's winter. It's raining. There's an awful lot of puddles which is why, despite all the ickiness in the world, I am grinning like the village idiot.
This be the blog...
Well, this is more than a little scary. Me and computers don't mix, so this could easily go horribly wrong.
To all you who have been daft enough to come check this out, welcome and I apologise. Welcome because I'm really glad you came; I apologise because you may well live to regret it.
It's most bizarre, this blogging malarkey. I figure, I love reading people's blogs (especially when they don't know I'm reading them, it feels nosy) so maybe someone will love reading mine (?!). Anways, even if y'all hate it, it's all good because I'm definitely gonna enjoy writing it.
Ok, I'm going to try and post this now. Be careful, there may be a mushroom cloud on its way...
Lots of love.