Wednesday, December 14, 2005

in brief

Here is the news at 1:45am.

Sleep is still a luxury rather than a privilege. I feel so petty complaining about a flatmate but this is no mere spoon stealing. When you sleep this badly and someone rudely awakens you three mornings in a row, you start to twitch.

The first and only (if I play my cards right) exam of my university career is tomorrow. Today has been spent cramming. I wouldn't say I'm confident, I know my shit, but I don't know if I can put it on the page right. Then, I never do.

I took too much pro-plus today so I'm too awake to sleep. Tomorrow morning I won't be awake so I'll have some coffee to pep me up for the exam. This, if you hadn't realised, is bonkers.

I left my phone in Trev's car again on Sunday. Is someone keeping track of how many times I've done that? Because I think I've lost count.

No Christmas job means that I'll be spending the break wading further into my overdraft, getting some work done and reading all the books I've been meaning to read. If someone leaves a comment and recommends a book, I hereby promise that I'll read it. Within reason though, I still have Polo to finish...

I just realised that the sore bit in my gum is actually a new tooth. A wisdom tooth I suspect. I'm not quite sure what to think about this. Did I really go through the horror of having five teeth removed for my braces just so I could go and grow some sodding new ones in adulthood?

I went to the Journey church social last night, learnt the names of 32 people whilst waiting for my meal and then had a fab time pre-empting introductions in the bar afterwards. "Hi, I'm Fiona, you must be Dave/Ruth/Alex/Alistair/Natalie/Phil/Beth/Sarah/Andrea/Luke/Daniel..."

Secret Santa gave me some reindeer antlers and a flashing red nose. He also gave similar garb to my mate Ben, who bought me a Guiness, which I then got smeared on my nose. Fake nose, that is. My real nose isn't quite big enough to dip in my pint when I drink. Not without spilling it anyway.

Caffeine induced antics in the library with Kate today. Getting lost in the restricted loan section in Founders and then getting so utterly disorientated in Bedford that I gave up any hope of finding my way home. Kate found me sat on the floor reading a book on racial politics, which was quite funny, and then I jumped her in the revolving door, which was funnier.

I have an exam tomorrow. This is ridiculous. I am going to bed. Now.


At 11:48 am , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If its any consolation my wisdom teeth are come through aswell. I can't remember what teething as a todler was like, but lets just say i can see why they are so agitated.

Sam xxxx


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