Wednesday, June 29, 2005


According to my sociology notes, one of the features of the post-modern condition is that the self is viewed as a project. Each individual sees themself, their life, as being something that requires work, constant review and improvement, like a dissertation or something.

I have so much I want to say and absolutely nothing that I can write about.

I have so much going on in my head and I feel absolutely nothing.

Sometimes I feel like I'm this close to jacking the whole thing in. By 'whole thing' I mean everything. Life, faith, education, everything.

The self as a project, right? Well I'm sick of it. I'm just done with working on this project that never goes anywhere. Like writing twenty pages and then losing it with one wrong click. Everyday.

I'm sick of living between extremes. I don't make any sense.

Also I have about 9 mozzie bites about my person right now and they're driving me absolutely batshit.


At 3:38 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe the solution lies in not viewing yourself as a project. From my own experience, the harder I try to fix everything myself, the more I screw it up.

I'm not meaning to come across with a generic "leave it all to God" piece of crap Christian advice, because I know how trite things like that sound when you're truly struggling with something. But I will say that grace abounds when you need it most. The more you do give it up, pack the "whole thing" in, and the less you try and control it all... you'll become so much more aware of God as he fills in the gaps.



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