Friday, June 17, 2005

vital statistics

10,000,000 = hours I have wasted on the internet.

324 = hours I have spent working at Tesco.

98 = days until I move out.

78 = pages of Germaine Greer's 'The Female Eunuch' that I've read today.

55 = periods I have had in my lifetime. That sucks.

42 = days until my birthday.

32 = CDs that I lost this year.

28 = months of my life that I haven't been single, hours since I last knew where my phone was.

22 = months that I have been a Christian.

17 = full years I have been alive, pictures of Elijah Wood on my bedroom wall.

12 = hours that it took me to read the last Harry Potter book, months that I spent waiting for it to be published, hours that I spent at a party at Sarah's house the night before.

5 = years that I attended Yateley School, universities I've visited this year, people called Chris in my phone memory.

4 = years that I loved Yateley School, years since I decided that I wanted to go to drama school and be an actress, since I was 13 and thought I knew absolutely everything, times that I've sung in front of people.

3 = relationships I've been in, boys I've kissed, times I've been to France, plane journeys I've been on (not including coming back), years I've had braces,

2 = times I've had tonsilitis, times that I've sworn on stage, piano exams I've sat, times I've seen my grandad in a decade.

1 = times I've been sick since I was about ten, times I've made myself sick, times someone else has been sick on me, weddings I've been bridesmaid at.

0.5 = episodes of 24 that I've watched, books by Stephen King that I've read

0 = piercings I have, bones I've broken, times I've been dumped, baptisms I've had, times I've moved house, pubs I've been served in, nights when I've been wasted.

I like to count stuff. Some stuff I can't count. How many times have I been in love? Well, is that when they loved me back or when I just loved them and is it even love if you never say it out loud? How many times have I cried? Or been so happy that I cried? Or been happy? How much can you tell about a person from the things they've kept count of?

Just one more:

880 = children that died from preventable diseases in the time it took me to write this post, count those things and eat my vanilla ice cream from a clean bowl with a clean spoon from a full kitchen.


At 11:30 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Elijah Wood... seriously??

It all makes a very interesting read, Fi.


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