Tuesday, October 18, 2005

light my fire

What an exciting start to a Tuesday!

We have a fire drill in Runymede halls every Monday between 3 and 4pm. In theory, this is when everyone's out at lectures, but I am always, always in when it goes off and have learnt to ignore it. This is made easier by the fact that I can hear the alarms making their way down the alphabet, so by the time N block goes off, I'm already in bed with the pillow over my head.

Today is Tuesday. It is not Monday. It is not the day when I am awake at 9, it is the day when I don't have to get up at all. It is the morning after the night when we go to Crosslands and mainline Appleback until the statue of Thomas Holloway in the quad starts dancing. Last night Paul and Liz came to see me, so I had a very good night. It would have been better if I hadn't run out of money, but still.

Anyway, suffice to say that at 11am this morning, when the fire alarm went off, I was so asleep. I can't stress how good it is to finally be asleep when you've spent most of the night coughing so hard that the wardrobe rattled. I can't stress how pissed off I was when I heard the alarm in the corridor go off and didn't get time to shove my head into the pillow before it went off in my room.

It says a lot for how bored we're getting of fire alarms that I actually stopped and considered which clothes to put on before heading out into the carpark. I think it's some kind of ancient, primal female instinct. The unconscious thought process is this:

Fire alarm + it not being Monday = it's not a drill = there will be firemen = what the hell do I wear?

Fireman: Does anyone have a key for (insert flat number here)?
Me: Ooh, is that ours? Hell yeah I've got a key!
Me: *scampers upstairs like eager rodent*
Fireman: Thanks, but I can't let you enter the building, so I'll just take the key.
Me: Oh, but it'll be fun!
Esther: Fi! Remember how we talked about self-respect?


Fireman: You can go back in now, thanks for the key.
Fireman: *twinkles*
Me: *has impure thoughts*
Esther: Wow, we really don't have any self-respect.
Me: *chases fire engine back up the road*


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