Sunday, October 09, 2005's like when you've needed it for ages and you suddenly find a pristine white toilet with a sign saying "use me"

Every couple of days, something will happen to me and I will shout, DUDE, I AM SO BLOGGING THIS. Needless to say, I've got kind of a build up of unblogged moments.


Me: Shit. I've lost my notebook.
Me: Shit! It has half my notes in it!
Me: SHIT! I've got diary entries in there!
Phil: *is broken*
Phil: Now, calm down.
Me: *has kittens*
Phil: Breathe...
Me: *reaches for the vodka*
Phil: Ok, I have to go to bed now...
Me: *finds book under pillow*
Me: YES!!!!!!!
Phil: *laughs at my stupidity*
Me: Dude, I am so blogging this.

In the pub:

Kate: Shall we go home, get smashed, put on dresses and bake a cake?
Me: Can we wear high heels?
Kate: Yes.
Me: Dude, I am so blogging this.

In the dark:

God: Fi, you're being a knob.
Me: This is true. I'm really sorry.
God: S'ok.
Me: Seriously though, I'm rubbish!
God: Nah, you're good.
Me: Really?
God: Yes.
Me: You're not just saying that?
God: No, of course not.
Me: Promise?
God: For crying out loud woman, you're forgiven, alright? Now shut the hell up and make me some pie.
Me: *awed silence*
Me: Dude, I am so blogging this.


At 3:53 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanku for dropping in on my xangatastic home. I HAVE LOST MY FONE!!! well actually i've left it in St. Albarn's, it should be back on tuesday. HOPEFULLY. i feel pretty funkin' stupid!! so yes, i also feel REALLY LOST i have no idea where i am! i live out of my fone! so yes if u want2contact me, do leave a mssg on my blog or visit me at my physical (but by no means actual) home, downstairs in Runymede!! :D wooo! muchos love and glad to b back,
the notorious E.S.T
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx mwah much love xxxxx

At 10:35 am , Anonymous Anonymous said...

im overjoyed that you are having so many blog-tastic experiences!




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