Wednesday, October 12, 2005

fresher's flu they said, you're bound to get it. nobody told me there's more than one strain and you can get ALL OF THEM

So, here we go with Fresher's Flu mark two. Admittedly, there's less vomiting this time round, but I'm still not enjoying myself. I'm just pissed off that this is the THIRD time I've been bed-ridden in the last two weeks. Read 'em and weep:

1) The Cramps. Self-explanatory, only lasted a day.
2) The Gastric Fantastic. Also quite self-explanatory, the Gastric part only lasted about a day but the Fantastic part was still around for about a week.
3) And our latest... Jungle Fever. Otherwise known as the actual Fresher's Flu, you know, the classic one with the aches and the cough and the cold and the headache. Except, just to be new and exciting, my shitty immune system has added in a healthy dose of delirium and a dash of will-she-won't-she-vomit nausea.


Aside from having to leave my lecture an hour early today because my stomach was threatening to make like House of Pain and jump up jump up and get down, it's all going rather well. Didn't get much sleep last night because of the fact that I've been infected with some kind of exotic and crazy virus that makes me dream exciting dreams about my flatmates. My bad, Endrit.

Tom called at 9am to ask if I could buzz him into our flat (Tom is a demi-flatmate. Technically he lives in Kingswood but his food's in our freezer and his ass is always in our beds, love you Tom!). I managed to get out of bed and he made me some toast, which was lovely. I went downstairs to see Esther and we decided that flu is the new black and I look stunning when I'm fevered. Of course.

The beautiful bit was when I went back to bed and Est and Tom came with me (not actually into my bed, mind you), I love you guys, you're absolute stars. The Halls inspector came to do a room check and I told her I had Jungle Fever. Then she asked Tom if he'd had any problems with his room and I was all, Girlfriend, this is my room, you think I'd be filling this bed wit' da sickness if this was Tom's room?

Lemsip tastes like shit, by the way. And it's oddly fluorescent. Much like Pepto Bismal. Why must I constantly be chugging these luminous concoctions?

But everything's going well. Love the new people, love the cheap drink, love the learning. Wasn't so keen on paying £56 for four books in Waterstones the other day, but I complain too much, so here's a list of 20 wikkidy things that have made me love being here:

1) Meeting lovely bits such as Est, Tom, Kate, Endrit, Gaz and other dandy new friends.
2) Saying (and I quote) "Wow, when I heard that her name was (insert nautical name here) I was expecting some kind of exotic fishy burlesque dancer!" and having no recollection of doing so.
3) One of my lecturers saying an observation of mine was 'incredibly subtle'.
4) Meeting up with a teacher from Farnborough and finally hearing the gossip about the teachers that he was never allowed to tell me before.
5) Discovering Sarah Kane, who started working in theatre, wrote five awesome plays, got one hell of a reputation and then killed herself.
6) Finding the bridge on campus that someone's graffitied with the words "Follow the Dead" and drawn people walking underneath it.
7) Seeing Liz, and dancing to a lounge-core version of 'Down with the Sickness' by Disturbed with her and ma new posse.
8) Watching Fight Club. I say 'watching' in the loosest sense of the word.
9) Not throwing up recently.
10) Learning how to light candles in my room without setting off the fire-alarm and listening to Fix You by Coldplay in the semi-dark.
11) Ordering Multiple Screaming Orgasms in Crosslands bar because there's one guy who works there who always blushes when he has to spray whipped cream on the top.
12) Joining the Harry Potter society. We sat with complete strangers and argued Voldemort and Horcruxes for an hour. We didn't even exchange names.
13) Getting too drunk to go to Ninjutsu and staying in to make a cake instead.
14) Cooking a Shepherd's Pie FROM SCRATCH with Kate.
15) Finding the motivation to do work, and to do it well.
16) Finding the motivation to write, and to do it reasonably well.
17) Finding the motivation to get out of bed in the morning, and actually doing it occasionally.
18) Getting a Jack Daniels poster and a Push the Button poster within a day of each other.
19) Buying a Frou Frou album and completely falling in love with it.
20) Not thinking about anything. I haven't thought about a thing since I got here. I've thought about theatre and poetry and friends and vomiting and whether I should have another and whether I should audition for this play or this team but I haven't actually thought about anything at all. Just like the doctor ordered.


At 9:45 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

harry is a horcrux. you know it.

james is a genius for that one.

if you feel like coming to the ag on friday do, we are playing xx

At 10:32 am , Anonymous Anonymous said...

no one can say that you havent thrown yourself full tilt into the whole freshers experience. it's so unlucky that you caught everything that was going around. blasted close quarters!

i hope you feel better soon munchkin.

love you bundles and bundles.


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