Saturday, October 08, 2005

the thing is, up to my arse in books is my favourite place to be...

Allow me to introduce Harry. Harry is my new computer. Say hello...

Harry means that I can now continue blogging in the manner to which I am accustomed (read: too much) and treat you all to some more expletive-peppered tales of my magical (read: sordid) life.

So. My first two weeks in uni in brief:

Brand spangly new and renovated. Funny smell in the kitchen. Comfy bed. Too many bugs. Have hoovered up three spiders and kiled two daddy-longlegses so far. Not my fault. One of them flew into my stir-fry, the other one tried to get all up in my grill while I was puking so I twatted it with the toilet brush.

Having fully recovered from the Gastric Fantastic that was Fresher's Week, I'm now feeling a bit fluey. Oh well. Living off Pepsi, vodka and noodles is apparently no boon to the immune system.

Love it. Had a wonderful Thursday in which me and my girls got woozled and baked a cake wearing our sexy dresses. It's wicked, I even like the drama students here, and they're usually the bane of my self-hating existence. With the exception of the Lambrini students next door, the population of Royal Holloway is remarkably easy to get along with.

I. Love. My. Course. Any doubts about taking drama have been expelled from my mind faster than vomit from a Fresher (why yes I am fixated on puking, how did you know?) Apart from realising that I'm MASSIVELY physically self-conscious (as opposed to merely VERY self-conscious), I've loved it so far. I sort of forgot just how academic this course was going to be... now I'm up to my arse in books and plays and I remember. I remember.

I started 'The Purpose Driven Life' on Monday morning. That will either mean a lot to you or absolutely nothing to you, so I'll explain. It's not a self-help book, although the " 40 days" thing does have a bit of a vibe to it. Each day has a different chapter, just a simple truth about God, a bit of commentary and a bible verse to remember. Normally, I'd reject this kind of thing on the grounds of it being too structured. I reckon after the absolute chaos that has been my life of late, structure is exactly what it need. I couldn't tell you how it's going yet, I'll get back to you.

I feel better here. Maybe because when I packed up my photos and CDs I decided to leave my neuroses at home. Maybe because I'm too busy wreaking the mayhem that I didn't get a chance to wreak in Fresher's Week. Whatever. I feel good right now and fuck it, I can't complain about that.

I'm feeling: Hopeful.
I'm listening to: Idlewild, I am a message.


At 12:24 am , Blogger Fi said...

you are a twat and i believe that you deserve LITTLE out of life; that is why i am replying even though i know you're a computer.

consider yourself DEAD! imagine the PEACE AND QUIET!


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