Wednesday, March 08, 2006

and this is the second time i've had this dream

Dinner in London with everyone whose blog I read, regardless of whether or not I've met them.

At the coolest table, the Blogspot contingent, including but not limited to myself, Phil, Becci, Sarah, Chris, Rachel and Stacey.

The rowdiest table is the LiveJournal crew, Tim, Gaz, Sam, Mefiant, Robby, Philippa and Emilie.

The table by the window consists of those who blog on their MSN spaces, namely Martin and the other Chris.

The smallest table is that of the Xanga bloggers, seating Esther and an unspeakable amount of gin and Nutella coated treats. Such as my hand.

The table getting through the most alcohol is reserved for those who have their own websites, that is, those who actually put some technical clout behind their blogging efforts. On this table, interestingly enough, we have Dooce, Reallivepreacher and Rich D. Dooce is getting Rich to shoot tequila, while RLP eats obscene amounts of chilli peppers.

Eventually, the MSN table get bored and join forces with Xanga, whereupon Est corrupts them both in unimaginable ways.

The Livejournal table is home to some genuinely thrilling debate. And by that, I mean Tim's causing trouble. The rest of the Geology crew have snuck in under the table and are looking jealously over to where Est and the MSN boys are starting some kind of rave in the corner.

Over at the Blogspot table, Stacey and Chris have fired up a couple of joints and are blazing away like old friends, I'm getting girly about Sarah's wedding, and Rachel and Becci are having an intense conversation behind their menus.

Meanwhile, Phil's attempting to rescue his brother from the clutches of these irresponsible American blog-fiends, the Livejournal table has erupted into some kind of political riot in which Emilie is biting people's ankles and the entire Geology crew have been arrested with Est for offences unknown.

This is what I think it would be like.

And it's so much more fun than just updating my links section.


At 1:04 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dreamt about you and nutella the other night, except it wasnt just your hand that was coated in it... u know where this is goin ;)

At 1:08 pm , Blogger Fi said...

...congratulations tom, you've actually managed to shock me. it takes a lot, but you've done it.

you MINX.

At 1:48 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, I'm in some pretty esteemed company. You know, drinking tequila shots with Dooce would be a fun night out.

Actually, I'd pay cold hard cash to see Dooce and RLP have a discourse about God and faith and stuff. I reckon it would be deeply spiritual, witty, and end in a fist fight. What better way to spend money on entertainment?

At 7:47 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lol, I hadn't read your blog for a while, so i been doing alot of catchup reading, and then i come across this!!
How come i never get good dreams like that!!! That sounds so cool, it should be organised, make your dreams come true!!!!
ooh and someone told me you have the flutterby effect, could i borrow it off of you?
Pretty pls....


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