Wednesday, January 18, 2006

dealing with these changes

Yesterday was handing in essays, drinking for the first time in a while, having some conversations. Yesterday was taking control of myself a bit, noticing the pattern in my behaviour that makes a nice evening into a bad evening. Yesterday was finishing my drink and going home for a sleep before I had a chance to make myself unhappy.

Today was joining the gym, seeing my parents and downloading free music - thank you, Napster, I assume when I find the catch it'll be the financial equivalent of a fish-hook in the cheek but in the meantime I appreciate your generosity.

Tonight was the start of the adventure that will come to be 24-7prayer mark two. I realise that last year I got pretty vague about 24-7 when it came to the crunch. Truth is, I felt pretty vague about it too. It was a fantastic thing for our church to do, and I know a lot of good came out of it. Me, I felt quite detached from it. Maybe because, after the initial spark, I didn't have that much to do with the organising, maybe because I had so much stuff going on in my head, I didn't have much room for reflecting on anything that mattered.

So, some changes. I'm buying a camera, I'm taking pictures, I'm writing more, really trying to improve the way that I write. And to improve the way that I read. I don't care what that wanker in the Orbital says, resolutions are a good thing, so I resolve. I'm gonna change a bit more this year. A lot of things are gonna change this year.

PS: 24-7prayer mark two makes it a year since the first proper conversation I ever had with Trev. If I remember correctly, we watched Stoppit and Tidyup and I hit him with a broom. Funny how things work out. If you don't know what 24-7prayer is, click on one of the links on the left and find yourself out. I like it. It's good.


At 7:17 pm , Blogger Fi said...

haha i'm glad i could help.

interestingly enough, i spent four years trying desperately to remember the show that went with the name stoppit and tidyup, all my friends raved about it but i was convinced i didn't know it...

until we watched it at 24-7prayer and it all came SCREAMING back to me. funny how it happens, huh?

nice to see you blogging again x


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