Tuesday, March 14, 2006

hanging on so tight my knuckle's going white

So this is how things are going.

Getting up in the morning isn't the horrendous issue it was a week ago, and by that I mean that now I can, which is nice. I've been constantly fighting the urge to get back into bed during waking hours but a couple of days ago I made the executive decision to embrace the bed. I know, I know that this will make it harder for me to get to sleep at night, but 9 times out of 10, I only have to stay in bed for about ten minutes before I feel fine and my day can just carry on.

Did I just never notice before how tiring life is?

It doesn't help that Royal Holloway isn't so much a campus as a monument to eccentric landsaping. To get to the drama department, it's down two flights of stairs, up a big hill that gets progressively bigger the sleepier you are, through the main campus and across a footbridge (with steps. many steps.). The only on-campus halls that are further away than mine are Gowar and Wedderburn but, tired or not, if I had a double bed I wouldn't give a shit how far I was from the department.

In short, Royal Holloway is actually a giant hill. And my halls are at the bottom of it. The only thing lower down than Runymede Hall is the gym, and I'm damned if I've got the energy to hit that anytime soon.

Aside from that, I think that things are better. I've done more work in the last two days than I have in weeks. Hopefully there's gonna be a doctor's note to smooth things over with the department (and by things I mean my 60% attendance and that essay which, um, just didn't happen).

The Easter break is so soon I can smell the ridiculous amounts of chocolate. Once I get to Easter, everything will be ok. You gotta keep telling yourself that stuff'll be ok or what's the point?

This is what we call hanging in there.


At 8:14 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I went to a Higher Education Fayre today in Portsmouth...I scared. I am only 16. I'm not ready for Uni. Fi...I'M GOING NEXT YEAR!!! I still have that textt hat you sent me at the beginning of college saying, "Enjoy it. The time will fly by." and now I am scared!
I did however, pick up a Royal Holloway spec. Heehee!
And I also realised that I'm gunna have to work my bum off to get 2 B's and an A at A-level... :S
I miss you alot, and I can't wait to see you over Easter. I hope things are good, and if not, I hope that you're still coping! :)
All my love and prayers, Stephie xxxxx

At 9:13 pm , Blogger Fi said...

stephie, i love you, and i will say the same thing to you that i said to lawla -

if you come to royal holloway i will cry such big fat tears of joy that people may in fact drown.

i can't wait to see you guys at easter *coughcough24-7prayercoughcough*, we've got some serious catching up (drinking) to do:D

At 6:07 pm , Blogger becci brown said...

keep on keeping on. easters only just round the corner. YES! I can't wait! Fed up of this all aswell.

At 4:14 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

fi..where are you? i haven't seen u in ages. missing you a lot- hope you're okay. contact me!
e x


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