happy 6 months to me...
*counts on fingers*
December, January, February, March, April, May. Hey! I've been a blogger for 6 months. I feel... bloggish.
It was a weekend of much partying. Saturday night was Sarah's (my best friend from school) 18th birthday party, so a bunch of us went along together. Odd. Everyone's changed during college. We are all very different to how we were, so old school friends are kind of a surprise. That's all I'll say about that.
Aside from rolling over on the grass without putting my drink down, thus spilling purple Reef all over myself, the grass, and other people, it was a good night. Terrible music though. Had a horrific flashback when the bloke on the CD said "if you wanna hear Hixxy and Styles, gimme yo whistles!!!!" and I realised that, not only do I know who Hixxy and Styles are, I used to listen to them all the time.
I forgot I used to be into Happy Hardcore. Oh good lord, save me.
On Saturday night, after work, we drove to MaccyDs so I could get dinner and laugh at Phil. He wasn't there. I was not pleased.
The exciting thing here is that once we'd picked everyone up (6 people in a two door, C-reg, one litre Fiesta. It's scary how often we do that) we went to the AGINCOURT. I've been there twice before, once for a party, once for a gig, but never to the big, bad over 18s rock night on a Saturday.
Loud rock music, sticky floors and more goths than you can shake a jewel-encrusted ebony sceptre with a goat's head on top at? Who wouldn't be excited!
Am also very proud that I got in without getting IDed. I didn't even have to pull the my-friend-Emily-is-dating-the-guy-who-helps-run-the-place card. Sweet.
Proceeded to dance like a maniac until 2am (which was fun but seriously hurt the morning after), tasted my first Snakebite (which was fun but could easily be the kind of drink I will regret) and ended up buying £10 worth of charity roses, which I gave to Liz, my ex, a man known only to me as Big Gay Dan, a girl in a car who almost ran us over and Mr Headbanger (I blame the snakebite).
£10? A tenner. A whole tenner on roses which I then gave away. Oh well, at least I made some friends. Big Gay Dan's definitely a keeper.
Oh yeah, and my ex was there. Luckily his new girlfriend wasn't, but seriously, they could have been making babies right there on the floor in front of me and it wouldn't have mattered. Don't think anything could have made that particular evening any more painful.
We've seen each other about three times since we broke up in December, meaning that the ol' wounds are still nice and raw. We don't know how to act around each other, we haven't figured out how to be 'just friends'.
I didn't realise how much I miss that tiny Italian stoner. He knows me better than anyone, I'm one best friend short at the moment. Haha. Short.
Then, today, Liz, Paul and I were driving around and I decided it was about time they met Phil. So, away we go to Farnborough Gate, and LO AND BEHOLD, he's not there.
Big Scottish Julie tells me that Phil has left early. The effects of this are twofold.
1) I am beginning to doubt whether Phil actually has a job at all.
2) My friends are beginning to doubt whether 'this Phil bloke' actually exists at all.
So, Phil, Flip, Burger-Flip, if you will, if that is in fact your real name. DO SOME WORK, DAMMIT, IF I HAVE TO CHAIN YOU TO THAT DEEP FAT FRIER.
Also, Big Scottish Julie likes your accent. Your accent? Has she HEARD HERSELF SPEAK?!
Oh and Emilie, searching for cocktails, I found this.
I like number 7.
Apparently a university sandwich bar also banned sandwiches named the 'Fat Dyke' and the 'Fat Bitch'. Can't think why.
I've put a list of the cocktails that sum me up on the Listings page. Hands up if you didn't know the listings page existed.